Sequential Label Report
You have two options for loading a custom sequential label in IntelliTrack: you may create a new sequential label or modify an existing one.
Create a New Sequential Label Report
Warning: All of these steps need to be followed in order for the Report Viewer control to properly display the report criteria and process the barcode labels properly, since Sequential labels require special handling which is different than a regular barcode label.
Important: Do not set a data source for the sequential label report.
- Select the New Report option from the ribbon to create a report with the report wizard.
- The Standard Controls, Report Explorer, and Property Grid appear onscreen.
- Make sure the report data tag is set to Sequential in the property grid for the report.
- Place the bar code control (see "Bar Code") from the tool box in the Detail area of the report.
- Note that the size of the entire report and the size of the detail area of the report should match. This will produce a uniform bar code size. If the barcode detail portion is 200 x 200 pixels, then the entire report size should also be 200 x 200 pixels. Also note that the report header and report footer should both be zero. (For a label, the entire report is in the detail section.)
- If you are using Code 128 Symbology for your bar code, you must mark the character set property to Auto Charset in the property grid (see "Set the Code 128 Symbology Character Set to Auto"). By default it is set to CharsetA.
The Name property of the barcode to be used as a sequential barcode needs to be set to SequentialBarcode. This will properly identify which barcode is to be the sequential barcode.
- Next, add six report parameters, exactly as follows (see "How to Add the Required Parameters to a Sequential Label Report"). [If any of the parameters are missing or are added incorrectly, then if it is one of the first four (a to d), then its value defaults to 1, the last two default to an empty string.]
Parameter Name | Type |
InitialValue | Number (32-bit integer) |
Increment | Number (32-bit integer) |
QuantityOfEach | Number (32-bit integer) |
TotalQuantity | Number (32-bit integer) |
Prefix | String |
Postfix | String |
- Save the new label report by selecting the Save option in the ribbon. An Upload dialog appears.
- In the Select Upload Type portion of the window, select Barcode.
- Enter the bar code label name in the Display Name field.
- Optionally, you may enter the bar code label description in the Description field.
- Select the Upload button to upload the report to IntelliTrack. (To cancel uploading this bar code label to IntelliTrack, select the Cancel button instead.)
- At the View Labels page, the criteria will be initially blank for this sequential label. If a value is not entered for a criterion, then it will default to the default value described above.
Modifying an Existing Sequential Label Report
Important: Do not set a data source for the sequential label report.
Another way to add a custom sequential label is to modify an existing one via the End User Report Designer. When the modifications to the sequential label report are complete, save it. When you save it, you may rename it or keep the same name, however, any modified version of a report will be uploaded to IntelliTrack as a Custom label. The original IntelliTrack label will remain unmodified and available as a standard sequential label choice.
To modify a sequential barcode label report, save the modifications to it, and upload it to IntelliTrack as a custom report, do the following:
- From the ribbon in the Report Designer, select Open.
- The Open Report/Barcode Dialog appears.
- Select a Category option: To open a sequential barcode report from the IntelliTrack application, choose the following option from the Select a Category section:
- Barcodes option: select the Barcodes option in the Select a Category section to open a barcode report.
- Select a Type drop-down list: Next, select the barcode type; click the drop-down arrow in the Select a Type field and select from the options that appear.
- Barcode Types: from the available options, select Sequential.
- Barcode Name: Once the barcode type is selected, the individual barcode report may be opened in the Report Designer. To open a specific report, select the drop-down arrow in the Select a Name field and select the sequential barcode report name from the selections that appear.
- Click the Open button to open the sequential barcode report in the Report Designer.
- The barcode appears in the design area of the Report Designer.
- For the sequential barcode, the barcode size and label caption may be modified. Once all changes are in the report, select the Save option in the ribbon.
- The Upload dialog appears.
- Use the Upload Dialog to upload this report to IntelliTrack.
- Select Upload Type option:
- Barcode option: select to upload the sequential barcode.
- Display Name field (required): the original barcode name is automatically placed in this field. Type another barcode name in this field. This is the barcode name that will appear in the Label Name field at the View Labels page in IntelliTrack.
- Description field (optional): enter a description for this barcode in the Description field.
- Click the Upload button to load this barcode label report in IntelliTrack.
- If you have not entered a unique display name in the Display Name field, a message appears to notify you that this report already exists. It asks you to confirm that you want to modify it.
- To upload this barcode report to IntelliTrack, select Yes. The barcode will be placed in the application under the Custom barcodes.
- Another message appears to notify you when the report has been uploaded to IntelliTrack.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.
How to Add the Required Parameters to a Sequential Label Report
A sequential label report requires six parameters, which must be added to the report, exactly as specified, in order to produce a label properly. To add the parameters to the report refer to the steps that follow.
- In the Field List window for the report, right-click over the Parameters section and in the invoked menu, click Add Parameter.
- The Add New Parameter screen appears.
- For a sequential label report, you must add the following parameters, one at a time, in the Add New Parameter screen, entering the name and type exactly as follows:
Parameter Name | Type |
InitialValue | Number (32-bit integer) |
Increment | Number (32-bit integer) |
QuantityOfEach | Number (32-bit integer) |
TotalQuantity | Number (32-bit integer) |
Prefix | String |
Postfix | String |
- From the Add New Parameter screen, enter the InitialValue parameter:
- Name: enter InitialValue in this field.
- Description: Enter the description for this parameter in this field. This is the parameter field description that will appear in your report in IntelliTrack.
- Type: select Number (32 bit integer).
- Click OK to close this screen and add this parameter to the report.
- Next, add the Increment parameter at the Add New Parameter screen. Follow the same steps to reach the Add New Parameter screen. At this screen, enter the following information for the parameter:
- Name: Enter Increment in this field.
- Description: Enter the description for this parameter in this field. This is the parameter field description that will appear in your report in IntelliTrack.
- Type: Select Number (32 bit integer).
- Click OK to close this screen and add the parameter to the report.
- Next, add the QuantityOfEach parameter at the Add New Parameter screen. Follow the same steps to reach the Add New Parameter screen. At this screen, enter the following information for the parameter:
- Name: Enter QuantityOfEach in this field.
- Description: Enter the description for this parameter in this field. This is the parameter field description that will appear in your report in IntelliTrack.
- Type: Select Number (32 bit integer).
- Click OK to close this screen and add this parameter to the report.
- Next, add the TotalQuantity parameter at the Add New Parameter screen. Follow the same steps to reach the Add New Parameter screen. At this screen, enter the following information for the parameter:
- Name: Enter TotalQuantity in this field.
- Description: Enter the description for this parameter in this field. This is the parameter field description that will appear in your report in IntelliTrack.
- Type: Select Number (32 bit integer).
- Click OK to close this screen and add this parameter to the report.
- Next, add the Prefix parameter at the Add New Parameter screen. Follow the same steps to reach the Add New Parameter screen. At this screen, enter the following information for the parameter:
- Name: Enter Prefix in this field.
- Description: Enter the description for this parameter in this field. This is the parameter field description that will appear in your report in IntelliTrack.
- Type: Select String.
- Click OK to close this screen and add this parameter to the report.
- Next, add the Postfix parameter at the Add New Parameter screen. At this screen, enter the following information for the parameter:
- Name: Enter Postfix in this field.
- Description: Enter the description for this parameter in this field. This is the parameter field description that will appear in your report in IntelliTrack.
- Type: Select String.
- Click OK to close this screen and add this parameter to the report.
- All of the required parameters for the sequential label report should now be part of the Parameters list for the report.
- After a parameter is added to the list of parameters in the report, it may be edited. To invoke the Parameter Collection Editor, right-click on the top-level parameter or any parameter in the list and click the Edit Parameters option.
- The parameter name, type and description may be edited from the Parameter Collection Editor.